Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

This Week’s New Books

If you’re wondering why I’m not having an IMM – read this post.

There are so many new “Look at my new books!” memes that I’m having troubles choosing. I know a few of the hosts personally and I don’t feel like picking teams on this one. So, I introduce my own conglomeration of all the memes out there! If you’re hosting a similar meme or if one of your friends hosts one, let me know and I’ll add their graphic (:

After receiving payment for my very first freelance editing job (YAY!) I decided I deserved some shiny new books. I absolutely love Sherlock Holmes, but to my shame I haven’t read the original books yet.

I’m so excited to go to London, just one more week! Argh!

Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads page.


I’ve read a few stories of Poe (The Pit and the Pendulum being one of them), but I wanted a nice hardcover edition with every story as well. This one was fairly cheap (compared to the leatherbound one) and it looks lovely (:

Sherlock is awesome. Now I own a whole Collector’s Library edition full of Sherlockian awesomeness.

For Review:

Thanks to Netgalley and Riptide for providing this review copy. Portrait of Crossroads is a short book (somewhere between the length of a novella and a novel..a novelette?) about Annette who doesn’t know what to do next. Should she go to college or go get a job? Then the Sadie moves in and Annette becomes intrigued by her. Looking forward to reading this for LGBT Friday.

So what do you have in your mailbox, on your shelf or to showcase? Leave a comment!
