Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

The Sunday Post #38

Sunday PostThe Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba from The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Whoa. The last two weeks have been incredibly hectic. I’ve graduated and started my new master’s degree. It’s an MA in Cultural History – in typical history buff fashion, we went to a railway museum for the introduction day. We’ve already handed in the first assignment. I was incredibly glad that I got an 8!* At least I’m off to a good start.

It’s interesting to be in a completely new academic environment. The university is definitely different from the one where I got my BA from, but I’m enjoying their different point of view. Where my professors in Tilburg usually had a schooling in literature, the professors I have now are historians. It does make a difference in the way they approach things, so I’m still getting used to it, but so far I’m very happy with my choice.

In my personal life, I’ve mainly been feeling exhausted. All of the changes are quite emotionally draining, and I haven’t had much time to deal with it all yet. I’m sure that once I get a hang of things I’ll start to feel better. Since my boyfriend is now done with his thesis as well (he passed too!), I get to see him more often, which helps as well 🙂

* In the Netherlands we get a grade from 1 to 10, where 10 is the best.

Picture of the week

Today is a reading in the shower kind of day. No ereaders were harmed taking this picture

Een foto die is geplaatst door Celine (@celinelien) op

This week on Nyx Book Reviews

I’ve discussed something different from the relatively simple reading slump – book fatigue. It seems like many more of you can relate to my experience of being rather tired of books in general. If you haven’t read my book fatigue post already, I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. I’ve also shared the good news of my graduation (go me!), and reviewed two novels: the apocalyptic novel on an insomnia epidemic, Black Moon, and the second book in the urban fantasy Monster Haven series, Pooka in My Pantry.

Read this week

sundaypost38This is a cumulation of what I’ve read spread over two weeks. I feel like since completing my thesis and the Netflix binge aftermath, I’m finally returning to my normal reading speed. These last two weeks I’ve mainly been concentrating on fast reads, such as the fantastic The Wicked + The Divine graphic novel and another part of the Monster Haven series, Fairies in My Fireplace. I’ve also been really getting into science-fiction lately, and I read another old-school sci-fi classic: Foundation. Keep your eyes out for reviews on these lovelies in the upcoming weeks.

How was your week?

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