Nyx Book Reviews

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graham parke

Guest Post: Graham Parke on Publishing

As you probably know, to become an internationally best-selling author, you need to sell three books. This is not an easy task, but once you’ve managed to rack up these three sales, the rest is more or less a done deal. Now, these sales themselves will not put you on the best-seller lists. They won’t […]

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Gift From Graham Parke!

Graham Parke, author of No Hope For Gomez, has posted a free short story online as a thank you for all the blogs that participated in his giveaway event. Get your free version of Random Acts of Senseless Kindness now, the link won’t be up for long! The book in his own words: Gomez’ life […]

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Graham Parke’s No Hope For Gomez After Party

Because the birthday party was such a success, Graham has decided to also host an after party! Join in and have a shot at winning a Kindle. For more info, visit Graham’s page, link is down below. “Instead of heading for the big mental breakdown,     I decided to have a little one every Tuesday […]
