Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Tackle Your TBR Readathon

It has been ages since I participated in a readathon! Usually I’m terribly busy when most readathons run, but now I’m actually free to read quite a lot. That’s where the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon comes in! Hosted by Colorimetry and Tressa’s Wishful Endings the #TackleTBR is a great low-key readathon where you try to downsize your TBR mountain.

Instead of having a number of books goal for the readathon, I’m going with a number of pages I want to read. I tend to pick up my short books for readathons, and the big chunksters are gathering dust. My goal will be to read 2500 pages.

The books I will probably read are:


Books read: 5
Pages read: 1680/2500 (67.2%)

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