Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Review Copy Cleanup: Goals & Pile

And we’re off! Today is the first day of the month-long event my bookish friend Vicky and me are hosting: the Review Copy Cleanup! If you haven’t heard of our awesome event, go here to read more about it. Sign ups are still open, so if you’re interested make sure to join the fun (: You can also follow our progress on Twitter, using the #RCCleanup hashtag.

I got a scary pile this time guys. My goal will be to read at least eight books from my pile. Since on a typical month I read around nine books, this should be a reachable goal. Here are the books I have, first paperbacks and then my astounding collection of Netgalleys:

…Right. I guess I will go reading now! *runs off*

If you made a goals post, let me know in the comments so I can visit you back (:

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