Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Review Copy Cleanup 3.0: Week Three – Wrap Up & Linky

And the third week has gone by. Can you believe the Cleanup is only for a few more days? I hope you all cleaned up quite a bit of your pile already, and if not, go read! As always you can share your progress post in the Linky below.

Last week I tried to read two books, and I managed to read one of those, The Slither Sisters. I actually reviewed the first part of the series a few days ago (read my review of Professor Gargoyle). The Slither Sisters was a lot of fun, and a perfect read in this stressful uni-time. So far I’m actually doing okay on the reading review books, but the reviewing is the part I’m slacking on. Hopefully that will change next week!

As my last goal post I won’t have any specific books, just these:

  • Finish writing my reviews for the books I read
  • Try to get halfway through any review book on my pile

What are your goals for the last Review Copy Cleanup week?

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