Project Book Blogger Reviews
As some of you might have noticed, I had a call-out for reviewers last week here on my blog. I got some responses, but I would love to have some more reviewers for my little project. I’m especially looking for reviewers that like epic-fantasy, horror, mysteries and paranormal romance. If you don’t sign up.. Well, Mister Creepy Cat here will find you.
The first Project Book Blogger reviews (as I like to call them) will get online in about two to three weeks, depending on how long the participants take to read and review their ARCs. I’m very excited, and hope that PBB will be a success!
In other news…
I love how the singer is being tortured by his band mates.
This is the band Royal Republic which is totally awesome. I’m going to see them for the second time next week Friday.
Hope you enjoy the musical intermezzo, and happy reading!
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