Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

New Feature: LGBT Fridays!

Hi guys! One of the new things on my blog I will be trying is LGBT Friday. As far as I can tell searching Google there are no other blogs using this name for a feature, but if you know a blog that does, please do let me know!

What is it?

Every Friday I will spotlight a book or short story in which one or more characters is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. The feature will contain a book review as you are used to from me, but also occasionally giveaways, interviews and guest posts from LGBT authors or discussion posts. The books featured will be both adult as YA, but to avoid any confusing I’ll make sure to add a tag if the book contains any sexual content.


Two reasons. The first one is very practical: the fact that I get so many LGBT books for review. I’m on the review list of Riptide Publishing, Bold Strokes Books and Storm Moon Press, all LGBT publishers. I’m already receiving all these books for review – why not make a feature out of it to make it more fun?

The second reason is that there are so, so little LGBT books in the popular charts. It’s actually quite sad. Only once in a blue moon does a book featuring a gay main character, let alone a transgender one *gasp*, become a bestseller. They’re just books like any other, just like gay people are just like any other people. Maybe if people read more LGBT fiction, they will also become more tolerant to the community. Because there are so many LGBT books that are just plain great stories. There is so much hate and prejudice surrounding gay and lesbian (etc) people, and I want to do my little bit to dispel that.

You can help too

Feel free to join me! If you talk about an LGBT subject or book this Friday, I will add your link into the post. You can also borrow the graphic if you like, as long as you don’t change it. Another way to help is to spread the word, comment, or just read the posts. We appreciate the little things over here (;

If you have any propositions, ideas, concerns or criticisms, shoot me an email at nyxbookreviews(at)gmail.com

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