In My Mailbox

It’s time for In My Mailbox, a weekly meme by The Story Siren!
This was a great bookish week – I received three books for review and went book shopping with a good friend. The Selexyz book store in Maastricht is amazing. You can see a picture here. It’s built in an old church and even though their English selection is tiny, they got some very surprising books there.
Click on the cover to go to the Goodreads page.
A big thank you to Cedar Fort! It’s a young-adult shifter book, and it looks pretty good. I’m looking forward to read it.
I was invited by Bold Strokes Books to read this title, and of course I can’t say no to that. I’ve read one book by them before, They mainly publish LGBT books which I think is awesome. Even though Love Life doesn’t really look like my thing, I’ll give it a try (:
This week this huge manuscript came into the mail. It’s a review copy printed on A4. It’s a first, but the book looks interesting!
I heard so many great things about this book, so when I found this cover (it’s so pretty! it has these awesome red swirls around the title) I knew I had to buy it. The size of it is pretty intimidating though… I hope I can find the time to read it soon
I was so surprised to find Cinder here in the Netherlands! Usually we don’t get the new young-adult releases. I wasn’t planning on buying it, but that cover kind of forced me to take it home anyway. I’m really looking forward to read this, it sounds awesome (:
What do you have in your mailbox this week? Leave a comment! (:
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