In My Mailbox

It’s time for In My Mailbox, a weekly meme by The Story Siren!
I had a wonderful week this week and a huge bunch of Netgalley books came through (huge thanks to Tanglewood, Random House and Harlequin) and I even got auto-approved for all upcoming Tanglewood releases! *happy dance* These books will probably keep me busy for the next few months, but they all look so great!
Click on the cover to go to the Goodreads page.
I’ve seen this one around a lot lately, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and requested it. I’m looking forward to read one of Julie Kagawa’s books; her Iron Fey series is very popular.
Aww, the cover is so pretty, I couldn’t resist this one. I’ve been reading quite a lot of historical fiction, and I think this one will fit right in. It involves some time travel to the sixteenth century, which sounds interesting.
I’m not so sure what to expect from Unspoken, but I heard a lot of great things about it and it looks like a lot of fun.
Julliet Marillier has written a YA book! How awesome is that? I’ve loved her adult books, so I’m pretty sure I will enjoy this one too.
The cover looks very creepy. It’s about a girl who has ended up in purgatory and who is going to haunt her killer. In the blurb’s words: “It’ll be brutal . . . and awesome.”
It’s young-adult dystopian. Enough said.
What do you have in your mailbox this week? Leave a comment! (:
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