Nyx Book Reviews

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From Book to Movie: The Hobbit

It’s still a very long wait, but the movie version of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic The Hobbit will make it’s worldwide debut in December 2012. Yesterday was the official trailer release (which you can watch below). I have to say, it looks absolutely amazing. It has the same ambiance The Lord of the Rings series had too, that made them such epic films. I’m very glad The Hobbit is by the same director, Peter Jackson. He did such a great job bringing LOTR to life that I’m sure The Hobbit will be in capable hands.

I am very much looking forward to this from book to movie adaptation. Although I wonder why the it should be in two parts… The book really wasn’t that long. I’m sure they had a good reason to do so.

You can also watch this trailer in super awesome quality wide screen. Or you can visit the official The Hobbit blog, where you can find up to date news on the movie.

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