Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Epic Recs: October 2014

Epic Recs is a monthly feature by Judith and Amber where they pick a book that the other one has to read. Everyone can join in as long as you have a recommending partner. Starting this month, Renae, Hannah and I are a threesome (nudge nudge), and we all recommend each other a book.

Last Month

epic recs septemberRenae picked Ghost Flower for me, and I picked Don’t You Forget About Me for her. I quite enjoyed Ghost Flower, even though I figured out a lot of the plot twists before they happened. We both gave our Epic Recs books four stars, so I think the first edition was quite a success!

This Month

For Hannah I picked In the Shadow of Blackbirds. This was one of my favourite 2013 releases, and the mood fits very well with Halloween coming up. Hannah picked We Were Liars for me, which is interesting because although I’ve seen this book around a lot, I never actually read a review about it. So I’ll go into the book blank, which is my favourite way of starting a book.

For Renae I picked Poison, which is one of my favourite children’s books. This is more of a wild guess than last month’s pick was, but I’m hoping she’ll like the book as much as I did (: Renae picked White Crow for me, which sounds deliciously creepy. Reviews are pretty mixed for it, but I’m hoping it’ll turn out to be a “me” kind of book.

recsoctAlso, I love how my rec partners listened to my wishes <3 Both books they picked for me are under 300 pages, and I was looking for short reads because school will be busy.

Have you read any of these books?

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