Christmas Wishlist
Christmas is coming up again, there already snow everywhere (here in the Netherlands at least) and that means it’s almost present-time! Relatives feel bad that they keep buying me books every single year, ’cause they think it must be a very boring gift. But, as I do not agree, here are some books that are on this year’s wishlist!
I really hope I will get these two, that will make my Sword of Truth series complete, finally!
I know it’s horrible, but I still haven’t read this book. I’m so behind..
I have read the first part in Abercrombie’s series this summer, and I loved it. He writes this kind of dark fantasy with a sense of humour I adore.
Heard so many great things about this book, can’t wait to see for myself
Just a short selection of what I’m hoping to get.
And you, what do you have on your wishlist?
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