Books I Love: Urban Fantasy
Hi all! Jessica and Donna here from Book Passion for Life blog.
Okay when we were asked to write a guest post about a genre that we loved, we spent ages trying to come up with which one we preferred. In the end we decided (by mutual agreement) that we both love the Urban Fantasy genre. Mostly for the same reasons.
Here’s what we love about the Urban Fantasy genre:
Urban Fantasy is a little grittier than Paranormal Romance, even though PNR is also one of our favourite genres. With Urban Fantasy, we enjoy the fact that there’s always a lot more detail. In PNR there sometimes are books that don’t have much of a back story which in the end make it a little confusing for the reader, while we’ve read some Urban Fantasy books and they’ve had great back stories. We love that the Urban Fantasy genre tends not to stick to the same story line, love triangles for example. Love triangles can sometimes be the centre of a story (like Twilight) but with Urban Fantasy most authors tend to involve more characters, who have their own story lines. In the end they write books with characters who have their own personality with their own nitty gritty twist at the end.
So, I bet you’re wondering which Urban Fantasy series is our favourite? Well it happens to be The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.
Now the thing we love about TMI is that Cassandra Clare has made each book unique, imaginable, full of action, suspense, romance and of course Jace! We love Clare’s style of writing, how you can also feel that you’re there in the story & feeling what they feel as their journey unfolds. In all honesty we’ve never read another series quite like it and it’s a series that even after countless times, still manages to blow us away. TMI is an instant classic and an all time favourite and a series that we BOTH will continue to read and love. Forever.
The characters are well developed; even though they all have faults (but I guess that’s what makes them interesting?) they help each other out as much as possible. We love the fact that even though they’re not always the same species i.e. vampire, werewolf etc. there’s still a good combination with the right amount of tension. We love the fact that through books 1-4 all the characters manage to overcome their prejudices against one another and just simply, well, get along. TMI isn’t without its fair share of romance though; aside from the entire demon killing we still come to love the romance. Take the romance between Jace & Clary for example; this is a heartbreakingly good romance. The type of romance you find yourself wanting and praying will work out. The type of romance, you know deep down is wrong in the moral sense of the world, but still want it to work out. That right there is GOOD writing. Two people so devoted to one another that HOPEFULLY nothing can break them! The secondary characters like Maya, the new guys (what’s his name?) oh Jordan, they’re really enjoyable characters to read about and we will look forward to seeing how Cassie Clare develops them.
Well I think that’s it from us, we hope this was fun to read and let you know a little more about why we love the Urban Fantasy genre, especially The Mortal Instruments.
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