Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

April Page Count Contest: Sign Up

Now the Review Copy Cleanup is over, I have been scouring the net for a new challenge to motivate me to read in April. I’m so happy I found the April Page Count Contest hosted by Reading Angel!

The goal for this challenge is to read a big bunch of pages during the month April. To make it a bit more competitive you can win prizes when you read more, but there are also some prizes to win for the slower readers in our mids. If you’re interested, you can still sign up (:

So I’ll be going with a temporary to-read list:

Added later:

Which brings my tentative goal to 3,100 pages. I really hope I can read this much this month! Are any of you participating in the April Page Count Contest? Let me know, and I’ll cheer you on 😀

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