Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Top Ten Most Intimidating Books

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is one of those memes I’ve been considering participating in. Unconveniently I already post a review on Tuesday, and two posts just seem a bit too much. It would work a lot better on Friday – so that’s what I’ll do! Every week I will choose one of the topics from the Top Ten Tuesday list over at The Broke and the Bookish’s blog and present to you guys my top ten. I will kick the feature off with my Top Ten Most Intimidating Books.



  1. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy – Have you seen the size of this thing? It’s massive! Plus I’ve never read anything by a Russian author yet, which makes it even more scary. I hope to be able to give it a try later this year though.
  2. Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss – The thing is, I loved The Name of the Wind. But when I ordered this baby I saw that it was much, much, MUCH bigger than its younger brother. I’m just afraid it won’t live up to my expectations, and that it’ll be long and dull.
  3. Ulysses by James Joyce – This book is mandatory reading for one of next year’s classes. Oh lord. I scanned through the first page and didn’t understand a word of what that guy was saying. That’s gonna be fun.
  4. The Omen Machine by Terry Goodkind – The problem with this book actually isn’t the size, even though it is a big book. I loved the first eleven parts of the series, and The Omen Machine is the only book I haven’t read yet. Gulp. Will it be a worthy conclusion to the series?
  5. Anything by William Shakespeare – I like to think that my English is pretty damn great, but when I read Shakespeare I feel like I’m listening to someone babble on in French. Because just like in French, I understand about one in every three sentences.
  6. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – This book is loved an revered by everyone in the book blogging community. It doesn’t sound like a great book at all to me, and I’ll probably won’t like it. I’m scared to read it, because I’ll have to give it a low star rating, after which people will come after me with pitchforks.
  7. Daggerspell by Katharine Kerr – I’ve read the first two books of the series because they were in my library, but I’m a bit scared to buy the rest. The series is just so long! Once a series passes the ten-book mark you’re making quite a commitment following it through.
  8. Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Another huuugely long series. It currently encompasses twenty-two books. Holy shrimp. But they do sound wonderful, so maybe someday.
  9. The Archaeology of Knowledge & The Discourse on Language by Michel Foucault – Foucault is the bane of my academic existence. I have to reread his essays at least three times before I even begin to understand what he’s getting at.
  10. Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust – This is the first part of seven volumes of one huge-ass book. Not only its length, but also its subject matter (memory and lost time) are intimidating as hell.

What books intimidate you most?

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