This Week’s New Books & Updates
Arrrghhhhh, exams are killing me! I can’t wait to get back to blogging and reading again, especially reading. So far I’ve already passed one of my exams, which is awesome (less resits, yay!). My days only consist of studying, working, studying and sleeping. I’ll be so happy when the normal semester starts again. Only one more week!
Pile status: 213 unread books (513 total books)
I haven’t had any time to read with my exams, so the pile is in a very sorry state right now. I swear I’ll pay attention to you guys in a week! My goal for February will be to try to get the unread number closer to 200, and to get rid of some of the books I don’t like. I looked up a charity shop close to where I live, so maybe they’ll find a new home over there (:
For Review:
After the craziness of my last mailbox post, I’m glad to report I only gained one book in two weeks! Unhinged is the sequel to Splintered which I sadly haven’t read yet, but which I will read as soon as possible. They’re based off the Alice in Wonderland books, which are my favourites! I also really love the colours of this cover. Thank you to Amulet Books for providing this review copy.
‹ Review: Mrs. Poe by Lynn Cullen Review: Room by Emma Donoghue ›