Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

This Week’s New Books

If you’re wondering why I’m not having an IMM – read this post.

There are so many new “Look at my new books!” memes that I’m having troubles choosing. I know a few of the hosts personally and I don’t feel like picking teams on this one. So, I introduce my own conglomeration of all the memes out there! If you’re hosting a similar meme or if one of your friends hosts one, let me know and I’ll add their graphic (:

All exams done, now a short break and super-speedy paper writing! I don’t know how, but I managed to read more books in May than I’ve done since I started uni, and I managed to have about five reviews scheduled to go up the next few weeks. Blogging is going well, now school!

Click on the titles to go to their Goodreads page.

For Review:

I had already forgotten that I’d requested this book, so it was a pleasant surprise to see I was accepted for it! The cover looks amazing and weird, I love it. It’s supposed to be some kind of YA adaptation of Hamlet (which I finally read), so I’m looking forward to see how that works out. Thanks to Lerner Publishing Group and Netgalley for providing this review copy.

So what do you have in your mailbox, on your shelf or to showcase? Leave a comment!
