This Week’s New Books
There are so many new “Look at my new books!” memes that I’m having troubles choosing. I know a few of the hosts personally and I don’t feel like picking teams on this one. So, I introduce my own conglomeration of all the memes out there! If you’re hosting a similar meme or if one of your friends hosts one, let me know and I’ll add their graphic (:
Today marks the end of my first midterm week as a Cultural Sciences student. It didn’t go by flawless (forgot my ID at one test… still waiting to hear if my test will count or not) but I survived. Now it’s time for some old-fashioned reading fun! *dances*
Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads page.
I got this one from Riptide publishing (thanks!) and although it’s not my usual genre, The Gravedigger’s Brawl looks very interesting. It got some pretty good reviews already, so I’m looking forward to read it.
Beautiful cover! Frankenstein! Horror! Sounds like Broken by A.E. Rought is exactly my kind of book (Thank you to Angry Robot/Strange Chemistry)
So what do you have in your mailbox, on your shelf or to showcase? Leave a comment!
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