This Week’s New Books
There are so many new “Look at my new books!” memes that I’m having troubles choosing. I know a few of the hosts personally and I don’t feel like picking teams on this one. So, I introduce my own conglomeration of all the memes out there! If you’re hosting a similar meme or if one of your friends hosts one, let me know and I’ll add their graphic (:
I actually haven’t done this meme for about a month, I think? So this is all I received in that time (: I started uni two weeks ago, and it’s tiring me out like crazy. I like what I’m learning, but I can’t wait for vacation either way!
I haven’t visited any of your blogs lately, and I hope all of you are doing well.
Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads page.
This sounds like a very enjoyable paranormal romance. I haven’t read a real good one for ages, so I hope Mark of the Witch fits the bill (:
This novella was available for Read Now on Netgalley, and I thought it might make for a good break from bigger reads. The description reminds me of a kind of modern Alice in Wonderland, with a touch of horror. I hope to read it soon!
I tend to really enjoy historical books, but for some reason I skip those that involve Egyptian lore. It just doesn’t seem that… interesting? Or maybe I’m just scared they’ll butcher the mysterious land of Egypt. I decided to give Cleopatra Ascending a try anyway, since it’s a paranormal historical YA book, and that kind of cross-over genre just always get to me.
So what do you have in your mailbox, on your shelf or to showcase? Leave a comment with your link so I can visit you back!
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