Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

The Sunday Post #8

Sunday PostThe Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba from The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

snowTHERE WAS SNOW THIS WEEK. It was wet tiny snow, but still, it was awesome. Less awesome is the fact that the heating in my apartment is absolutely terrible and I felt like an ice cube for two days straight. On the bright side, I went bargain bookshopping with my mom, and we celebrated the Dutch holiday of Sinterklaas with my boyfriend’s dad.

On the academic side of things I’m drowning in deadlines. I made quite a rigid schedule of things I have to get done in a very short amount of time. I’m very much looking forward to the end of January, when all this is (hopefully) over!

This week on Nyx Book Reviews

I decided on a more structured format for my blog: reviews on Mondays and Fridays, a non-review post on Wednesdays. So far, so good!

Read this week

sundaypostNot as much time for reading this week like I had last week! Glass Houses was a really fun intro into the Morganville Vampires series – I had some issues with the beginning, but I really enjoyed it. World War Z was quite nice as well, but again, some issues preventing me from giving it four stars. Dark Calling is part of my mission of finishing some series.

How was your week?

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