The State of Blogging
Blogging is all about the books… Right?
That’s the subject Rachel from Fiktshun posted about this Thursday. You can find the article on her blog here. What she points out here is something I’ve been thinking about too lately – the fact that it’s possible to be a book blogger without actually having to read books.
It’s so easy to just keep posting promotional posts, do memes and features, and get lost in promoting so much that reviews and in-dept posts just slip away. It starts with a few deadlines, a few interviews, and before you know it you’re spending more time preparing that cover reveal than you are reading. Blogging becomes a chore, a job, and sooner or later most bloggers don’t find blogging fun any more and decide to quit.
I don’t feel comfortable saying “this is the right way to blog” or “you shouldn’t blog like this”, because it’s your blog, and anyone should be able to write about the things they want to write about. But personally I found that this way of blogging, using your blog as a promotional tool, isn’t for me. In the last few months I returned to the essentials of blogging – more reviews, only one meme and some discussion posts when I feel like it – and it’s been a blast. It takes so much pressure off for having to schedule promotion posts that often don’t fit with the image I’m going for. I stopped worrying about follower counts and page hits, and instead focused on what I like. My follower count has been steady for months now, not increasing neither decreasing, which is fine with me.
Lately I noticed that I barely read any blogs in my feed any more. I skip through all blog tours, all cover reveals or book releases, and only read the reviews. Only about 10% of the posts in my feed are reviews. I wonder if some blogs stopped doing them entirely; if so, it might be time for me to unfollow.
I got into blogging to talk about books I read, books I love or hated and to meet fellow readers. We should ask ourselves, what do I really want to blog about?
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