Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

month in review

October in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month October in one sentence: Much revising, many study, but also went to the movies twice and to a concert. Our kitty cats cuddling! Reviews on the blog: Literary Fiction Mini-Reviews #1 (3-4 Stars) Hounded by Kevin Hearne (4 Stars) Grave […]

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August in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month August in one sentence: I honestly can’t believe I’ve been back at school again for a week, the last month of the summer holidays flew by! We went to the beach in Scheveningen on Saturday Reviews on the blog: The […]

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July in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month July in one sentence: A pretty exciting and busy month, in which I finished my first book during Camp Nanowrimo, and worked on proofreading a novel. And at the end of the month we visited Köln (Cologne), Germany! Reviews on […]

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May in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month March in one sentence: Focussed a lot on my finals, but also had a great blogging month and celebrated a lot of birthdays. This is how my apartment turned out! For more pictures, check out my post about it Reviews […]

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March in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month March in one sentence: A month of changes – quitting my job at the library and moving to an apartment, and pretty decent reading. Reviews on the blog: UFO in Her Eyes by Xiaolu Guo (3 Stars) Blackbird House by […]

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July in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month July in one sentence: IT’S SO HOT but at least I can still read while being brain-dead on the couch, hiding from the sun. Reviews on the blog: Once by Anna Carey (2/5 Stars) – Suffers severely from second-book syndrome […]

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June in Review

In which I summarize all that has been going on on the blog this month June in one sentence: Woohoo, after those tedious resits and a week of work, it’s finally summer break! Reviews on the blog: My Little Pony – Friendship is Magic by Katie Cook & Andy Price (4/5 Stars) – Don’t judge […]

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May in Review

I’ve been messing around with different styles of monthly wrap ups throughout the years, and it has made yet another comeback, this time as Month in Review! May in one sentence: A very busy month with uni stuff, but managed to read a lot and am completely on track with my reviews! Reviews on the […]

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