Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

200 followers giveaway

200 Followers Giveaway Winner!

Rafflecopter has spoken, and the winner is… Annette! (Entry #18) Congrats on winning $10 of books ordered from the Book Depository. Sending an email your way today (: Thank you for everyone that entered and celebrated my 200 followers with me. Hope to see you all again when I hit 300!


200 Followers Giveaway!

So, I was looking at my GFC followers number the other day.. And it seems like I’ve almost reached 200 followers! This is a perfect time to celebrate! As a little thank you for you all, I am giving away $10 of books ordered from The Book Depository. This way all of my international friends […]

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