Support the Community – Call to All Bloggers!
So I was participating in a wonderful Bloggiesta Twitter chat yesterday, when the subject came to our affiliate links. If you’re an affiliate, you make a small amount of money every time someone buys something through your site. A lot of book bloggers are affiliates with companies as Amazon, The Book Depository or Audible.
The thing is, people barely buy books through other people’s blogs. And we all buy tons of books. So why shouldn’t we use each other’s affiliate links? Why not support a blog you so very much enjoy reading? Why not give some appreciation for someone who puts in the effort and hours every day to keep their blog running?
That’s why I’m going to make a comprehensive list for those who’d like to give back to the community. It will contain the affiliate links of dozens of bloggers, and you can click on the link of the blogger you want to support. Being added to the list is for free. This is about thanking people, not about making money from it.
So, if you are a book blogger (sorry authors, your personal blogs don’t count), go here and sign up. The only restriction I will impose on being added to the list is for you to be blogging at least three months. Just to make sure you really are serious about blogging, and you’re not just adding your link to make money.
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