Nyx Book Reviews

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Short Review: Foreplay by Jill Myles

Foreplay by Jill Myles
(Succubus Diaries #0)

4 out of 5 stars
Short story

This prequel to the Succubus Diaries series was a pleasant surprise for me. Foreplay can easily be read within half an hour, but has enough story in it to make you curious for the rest of the books.

We meet geeky Jackie Brighton when she hears her dream-job is about to be filled by a woman way less qualified than her. We get a glimpse of her personality, and I found her voice very entertaining.

What struck me the most about this short is that even though it has a rather dubious name and what looks like a naked girl on the front, this was not just a chance for the author to show off her sex-scene writing skills. There is some sexual tension, but nothing graphic or shocking. This story’s main mission is to introduce you to the main character, Jackie, and the mess she’s got herself into.

I really enjoyed this short, and would love to read more from this author.


How did Jackie Brighton get turned into a succubus? She can’t remember – all she knows is that she woke up in a Dumpster. This short story tells the tale of that night, and sheds a little light on her masters’ motivations…

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