Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Review Copy Cleanup 3.0: Week One

Aaaaand we’re off! Sign ups for the Review Copy Cleanup are still open, so if you want to join the TBR cleaning fun make sure to check out the Sign Up Post. If you’re joining us feel free to say hi to the participants on Twitter with the #RCCleanup hashtag!

I don’t know about you guys, but I usually can’t predict what I feel like reading in a few weeks. Therefore I will only create weekly goals instead of doing a month goal post. I’ll also post this week’s updates in this post, so remember to come back in a few days (:

With my boyfriend’s birthday and lots of university stuff going on I think I’ll take it easy this week, and only read two books. They are both rather thin and quick reads, perfect for a busy week like this one. Medusa the Mean is the eight book in the Goddess Girls series (check out my review of the first book, Athena the Brain). These books are absolutely awesome, so I’m quite excited to be reading it. Anna 2026 is a fast-paced thriller set in a dystopian-ish world. I already started it before the RCC, and so far it’s been very enjoyable. I’m about halfway, and I can’t wait to continue reading, I want to know if the main character finds his wife back!


Medusa the Mean: 240/240 Review
Anna 2026: 176/176

So, what are you guys reading? Do you have any goal posts or do you choose to do a weekly update like me? Do link your posts below so I can visit you (:

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