Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Midwinter’s Eve Giveaway Hop

Hope you guys are all having a lovely holiday! <3

I’m taking a much-deserved break from blogging to eat awesome foods, spend time with family, go on a trip to Dublin with my boyfriend (eeek! :D) and unwrap gifts. I will be back after New Year’s with renewed vigour, so I hope to see you then!

Until then I’m giving away Book Depository books with a total worth of $15. It’ll be the winners choice to either buy one $15 one or two $7.50 ones. To enter simply fill in the Rafflecopter below. You’re eligible to enter as long as The Book Depository ships to you. I will provide the order ID, so if the package gets lost in the mail you can contact their support.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also make sure to check out the other participating blogs

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