I’m On A Break!
Hi guys!
I’ve decided that it’s time.
Time to stop blogging? Hell no! Time for my yearly vacation away from Nyx Book Reviews.
I took a break last year when blogging became too much of a chore and not a hobby for me. I think I stayed away for around two months, and in that time I retrieved my love for books, for blogging, for reading. I came back with tons of ideas and a whole new look on blogging.
And I want that. I want to come back here and make my blog even better than it is now. Because to be honest guys, I’m pretty damn proud of how much my blog grew this year. How I hosted my first event. Made new friends. Had the courage to contact authors. Took the leap and sit in front of a camera talking books.
But there is more to discover, and I need a fresh look. So, starting today I will stay clear from my blog for two weeks. That doesn’t mean I’m entirely gone. I’ll still be on Twitter, and will still update my reading progress over on Goodreads.
And when I get back, get ready. I’m putting together a big box of books giveaway. The Review Copy Cleanup is coming up. Reviews, interviews, guest posts, the whole affair. Self-hosting my blog. And a ton of other surprises.
I’ve got big plans my friends.
But in until then, enjoy the picture of this doggy.
Click me for more cuteness! |
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