Nyx Book Reviews

fantasy ♥ paranormal ♥ horror ♥ science-fiction

Harry Potter December: Part 3

My very favouritest person in the whole series, mister Sirius Black! Although I imagine him always a little more emaciated and dark, he’s still pretty awesome in the movies.

I decided to reread all the Harry Potter books this December! As a part of it, I am having this little event here on my blog, Harry Potter in December. Click here to find the other posts.

I’ll also occasionally update through my Twitter account with the hashtag #readingharrypotter. Come join me if you like!

Third update coming up. Here are the stats:

  • Pages read (this book): 0
  • Pages read (total): 897
  • Currently at: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (#4)
  • My thoughts: So I just finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban… And I have to say it’s still my favourite. I just love how for once the focus of the big baddie isn’t on Voldemort, but on Mr Sirius Black. Hagrid is suddenly their Care of Magical Creatures professor, which I think is totally hilarious. My favourite scene is when he tells his pupils that they just had to stroke their monstrous books.
    Now I’m on to start with the bigger books of the series, and the darker ones. But first book four, which introduces some extremely fun secondary characters!

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