Bout of Books 7.0
It’s time for the seventh edition of the Bout of Books readathon! In this seven-day readathon your only goal is to read more books than you would normally do. It’s very low-key and a great way to meet fellow book bloggers.
This time I won’t be able to participate as much as I normally would because my exams are the week after, so I will have to make time to study as well. My goal will be to finish 3 books, preferably review ones or classics for classes. I also hope to be able to make it to some Twitter chats and catch up with everyone.
The books I hope to finish during the readathon are:
Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza – so far this book has ALL THE CLICHÉSFinished beforehand- Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi – school reading, boring but has to be done
Fact of Fiction? The Paris M6 Crashes by Colin Hal – graphic novel for reviewFinished
And after these three I might read one or two of these as well:
- Spellcaster by Claudia Gray – witches! I like witches
- Defy the Dark by VA – I discovered that anthologies are awesome as study breaks
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding – Airships! Battles! Intruige!Finished
Monday 5/13
Number of pages I’ve read today: 50
Total number of pages I’ve read: 50
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Currently reading: Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding & Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Today #insixwords: Barely read, watched Game of Thrones
Tuesday 5/14
Number of pages I’ve read today: 120
Total number of pages I’ve read: 170
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Currently reading: Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
Today #insixwords: Read more, I’m proud of it!
Wednesday 5/15
Number of pages I’ve read today: 25
Total number of pages I’ve read: 195
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Currently reading: Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
Today #insixwords: Blergh, I hate having to study
Thursday 5/16
Number of pages I’ve read today: 125
Total number of pages I’ve read: 320
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Currently reading: Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
Today #insixwords: Hell yes, I finished a book
Friday 5/17
Number of pages I’ve read today: 100
Total number of pages I’ve read: 420
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Currently reading: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and The Rose Throne by Mette Ivie Harrison
Today #insixwords: Got some reading done on train
Saturday 5/18
Number of pages I’ve read today: 40
Total number of pages I’ve read: 460
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Currently reading: The Rose Throne by Mette Ivie Harrison
Today #insixwords: Studied. Boring stuff. Hate these exams
Sunday 5/19
Number of pages I’ve read today: 40
Total number of pages I’ve read: 500
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
Currently reading: Fact of Fiction? The Paris M6 Crashes by Colin Hal
Today #insixwords: Finally finished my second book! Success!
Wrap Up
I deem this Bout of Books a success. In the end I participated in one chat (which was great), and finished two books even though it’s the week before my finals. I used the reading as study break, and it worked wonderfully. Except for the few times where the book ended up to be more exciting than the studying. Oops.
Hope the other Bout of Books had a great time as well, and the next one is in August! You can check out the dates of the next readathons on the Bout of Books blog. See you next time!
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